Friday, September 4, 2009

Understanding God

Understanding something is impossible unless we think. Understanding God is impossible, but let me try for it. Thanks to God that he has given me such a great gift which I can never pay for him. Yes, it is brain. We see different persons, different beliefs, different thinking and also with different appearance. All these make me feel each and every human being is different. Due to these, we must respect each and every person. All are not same in thinking, deciding, judging and in believing. Anyone who studied the human brain will believe in these. Many religions, sects will be a good example for this. Religion means the way we live. All the religions say that this is the best way and they claim they are only following God, moreover many prove that their holy book is from God by showing miracles. On the contrary others prove them wrong by changing the meaning of the text or by using linked books. Debates, arguments are held on this each day, moreover many fights and killings for their religions. For this and due to other reasons nowadays there are many who do not believe in God. We call them atheists. Here one point must be highlighted, religions are not wrong but humans are. There is no religion which calls for other than peace, human rights. It is we, which made religions wrong. For example, a religion says to kill other religion’s believers. Will any religion say like this? No, if says then, that religion creator is insane. Anyone whose brain works will say, that is not a religion. See, we are able to judge the religion. Now think the creator of the religion, human or God, will he say such thing to do? No, because he will feel the same, that humans won’t believe such a religion. There must be two reasons in not believing in God. He does not find any good point from religion or he still does not know. Different religions scholars tried to change their mind using their books’ miracles. Yet it is unsuccessful. Atheist believes in Darwin theory, which means things are made coincidentally. Not by a supernatural Creator. Ok, let’s believe this for a second. I am going to examine some points that prove God’s existence without using any religious books, but by using the greatest gift which God gave to us; the brain, in addition I will try to highlight the points which will make peace the earth.

1. The universe, Earth supports us to live

  • Can human survive without oxygen? No, we cannot breathe without it.
  • Can human live without food? No, we need plants, animals on the land and fish etc. are needed for us. (all these plants, animals, fish survive and grow amazingly)
  • Are we making home by using which we invented? No.
  • Seven atmospheric layers play different roles. Without it can we survive on the land? No.
  • Can we live in the Sea? No, we need a land.
  • Can we live without the Sun? No, sun plays an important role in photosynthesis. Why sun is so far from the Earth? Can we survive if it is near to us? No.
  • Can we live without the sky? No, it produces us water which we cannot live without it. (Osmosis)
  • And more other trillions of natural resources support our life which we cannot even count.

Still do you believe all these are coincidence or supernatural creator created? Think, if those things are made by a coincidence then how they are so perfect?

2. The miraculous creatures.

A. Parts of the human body

  • From the cell to each part of our body is a miracle. If someone writes about the greatness of brain, he cannot stop writing about it. So perfect. Like how other parts of the body. All these things are coincidence?
  • Male and female, both sexes are different. Accidentally we are made in a way that we can increase population? Love for opposite sex specially? As a friend and helper for each other?
  • We are able to speak, see, feel, taste, hear and think. What more we need to communicate and to judge? How perfect it is! If all these are coincidence then there must be some senses missing or senses which are useless.
  • Study human biology, you will find endless miraculous.

All these are still coincidence? Creator did not create?

B. All other creatures and their parts.

  • Birds, insects, animals, fish etc. How perfect they are made? Watch the National Geographic Channel and other channels. You will see how perfect they are made and their lives. In birds, animals each have different amazing power.

Day by day humans are discovering new amazing things by learning living things. And they name for each process. If someone sees such processes, he/she will feel how perfect the creator is. How can things be so perfect if they all were form accidentally?

The Great Darwin Theory

I threw an empty paper with a pen to the floor and after few minutes I saw an amazing thing. I was shocked, puzzled. On the paper it was written “how dare you, for no reason you have thrown me”. If I say this, you won’t believe me, why? Because accidentally it won’t happen, there should be someone who wrote it. But you will believe me if I say that there was a line on the paper. This makes sense. I wonder, then why do you believe everything’s are created coincidentally which Darwin theory says? Why you did not believe me? There is no doubt about God’s existence.

For nothing…

For nothing I killed my parents by chopping their hands and head. For nothing I ate their flesh and drank their blood. For nothing I raped my two sisters and sold to a club. And for nothing I worked for 5 hours on the road. My Goodness, will you believe if I do this and say “for noting” I did all these? No one will believe me, why? Whatever the reason is, I have done all these by a reason. Then why do we believe in the world we are living for no reason? Just to eat, work, sleep, dance, enjoy until we die. After dying life ended? If this is the truth, let’s do whatever we want by in all the way. What will be the punishment for me above mentioned crimes (if I am caught, if not I can end my life happily)? What more human can do than killing me? Nothing, is this a great justice for my crimes? No, I should be punished more than that, because I killed two humans, not just two humans, whom gave birth to me and I did with my sisters worse than killing. Then what will be the justice? Only God can punish me fairly.

If God is not created then why cannot we say the universe has no beginning?

Many atheists say that if God is not created why cannot we say that the universe is not created? I heard that the scientists said that the universe is created from a gaseous state. And for their theory they say “Big Bang”. Moreover the scientists say that one day this universe will end. It means everything will be destroyed. Think, if the universe has no beginning, then why it has an end? As I have taken the Big bang theory, atheist may ask why I do not believe in Darwin’s theory. I have answered already in this article, moreover almost all the scientists believe in Big bang theory and it is been discovered that day by day the universe is expanding. It was before all held on Darwin’s theory, not after the discovery of Big bang theory. For this, So God has neither beginning nor an end. But the universe has.

Why there is evil on the world if God exists?

Many of the atheist or disbelievers reject God due to this reason. They feel if there is a God, everything on the Earth should be perfect and peace. Everyone should be happy always. Think, if you are getting what you want just by wishing or even by not wishing, what you will be? Will you be happy? No, you cannot be happy if you have everything. If you have everything what you want, then there will be no willing to live. You will be bored to live. Finally you may suicide. Think, you do everything by a will of something. If your all wills are already fulfilled, then what’s the purpose of living? Like this the world life is. Let’s assume that everything is perfect on the earth. If it’s like this, what you will do more? Nothing, nothing means you are dead. As you have wills you are living. If you have wills, then you will have both sad and happiness. Like similar everything in the life is.

God is perfect

Almost all the believers say that we are doing this and that for God. It is common sense that a perfect God does not need anyone’s help. In spite of this, we need God’s help. We pray for him to fulfill our wants. Whatever we do is for us only. Whatever we do effects us only.

If God is perfect then why he wants us to fight each other and kill each other for his cause? God is perfect, but not we. God does not want to kill or give severe punishments for us. Then why are we punishing each other for not believing him? Why are we forcing to believing in him? For his rights or for our wants? As God does not need anyone’s help, he does not need anyone’s help to prove his existence nor to defend him. We can fight against those who fight against us. We do not have right to take other’s rights. We must always think for our peace.

Laws should be humans’ peace

Many of us believe in such faith that there is no reason. It also can be said blind faith. How can I move my neck around 3 times a day at a time even if it is written in a so called religious book? If there is a good reason for it, then we must believe in it. If not no use, you are wasting your time. It is we who are living not the God. So whatever the law is, law must be for our peace. Not any other cause. God showed us the ways; it is we which have to achieve it. He gave us brain and everything that need to survive. Has given the capability us to judge what is wrong and right. So we will have think and find the best ways.

There is One God or does he have a family?

This is useless to talk about it, but useless if we humans have no problems. We see each day the sun, sky with same color, earth rotating to the same way. In brief, everything is same in the universe and in the earth with little changes. This may feel someone in believing in one God, that God has neither partners nor children. Off course, it makes a sense. If there is a family of God, then he may have family problems like we humans have. And his sons or daughters may take the power to rule universe. As I mentioned above, things are going same proves me that there is One God. On the other hand, we can say God has a family. Why God cannot have a family? Cannot he make his wife or son with a limited power? Then can’t things be like the way now universe works with same way? It will be. Religions are fighting to prove these two arguments which no one can win. Does it matter for us whether God has a family or not? Is it our business? We all can thank him and ask for help.

I am Dahin, Daa, Dhaattay, Dan, Son, Brother etc.

My real name is Dahin, my family, friends and others call me in several different names. But still I am One person. I am happy whatever good and nice name they call for me. All of them know I am a Writer, but all do not say I am with same character, like I am good, best. But also they believe in some cases I am wrong. Similar to this case, in all over the world, different religions’ people call for God in several different names. No religion call for him with a bad name or worse name like “Dog”. All the religions believe that God is most powerful in all the ways. In whatever the name they call for him, if there wish is calling for God; it is for God they are calling. See all over the world, there is no such special religion believers’ worship that God accepts. Everyone’s supplications are accepted. Whoever works hard with good, God fulfill his/her wishes.

A believer and an atheist

Are we different from all other animals? Yes we are. The Brain makes difference. God gave us the thinking ability, ability to plan things, to make good judgments etc, which other animals cannot. Brain makes us believing in different views. It is common that many changes the others’ faith, believes. There is nothing wrong in it unless it harm the other humans. There is nothing wrong in being an atheist if he/she is not violating the peace of the land. Many atheists believe that they are making peace by talking so and so wrong about religions. There is no religion which calls for other than peace. It is we make the religion wrong. Knowingly or unknowingly atheists are doing wrong sometimes. They talk that God does not exist and they change others believes. In it also there is nothing wrong. But the dangerous thing is some starts behaving like wild animals, by killing innocent ones, by torturing and by raping etc. Off course, all atheists are not like this, some atheists work for the peace. But we must believe that all are not equal in understading. Not believing in God makes someone feel that there is no use of living good. Many believers live well by peace because there is God, heaven and hell etc. Atheists, so please stop changing others belief. Be in what you are.


God created us with the brain and in a way that we can believe in him. God does not need any of us assistance to prove his existence. He has created the universe in a way that we can believe in him. Look around, and think about what you see, you will see endless proves of his existence. If we spend our entire life to thank him, there is no way for it. But still we need to thank his as much as we can. Thanking and asking help for him is praying which almost all religions do. Believe whatever is good. Do whatever is good. Support whatever is good. Fight against whatever is bad. Do not support whatever is bad. By following these “whatever rules” is obeying God.


  1. Hello Dahin,

    Good effort. But there's still some points you have not addressed.

    I'll try to raise the concern of organized religion eventually, but first I'll try to answer some of your questions.

    (Understanding God)

    1) "There is no religion which calls for other than peace, human rights...
    ... For example, a religion says to kill other religion’s believers. Will any religion say like this? No,.."

    Actually. Some religions DO call for things other than peace.

    Some religions DO NOT promote equality of all humans regardless of belief. And some religious leaders DO call for killing of non-believers, under command of Religion.

    As long as such organized religions exist, there's no hope for peace. If such a religion didn't exist, people would invent one to dominate others.

    Some religions are flawed. There's no denying that.

    2) "Atheist believes in Darwin theory, which means things are made coincidentally."

    Actually, it's not 'atheists'. It's scientists who believe in the Darwin theory.

    And Darwinian theory doesn't touch upon the origin of the universe. Only life.

    It's a misconception among religious folk that Evolution says that life was born of a coincidence.

    Actually, Evolution is the very opposite of coincidence. Evolution is a much larger, tremendous concept than most people realize.

    The survival of the fittest, adaptation, loss of environment, etc are well documented facts.

    I'll try to make it simple for you.

    If you take a Swine Flu shot, and claim to not believe in evolution, you're either clueless or stupid.

    The H1N1 virus itself is an example of evolution. Look at its history - it comes from the avian influenza and swine influenza viruses - modifying itself into what we call "swine flu".

    It is exactly Darwinian evolution. If it weren't for Tamiflu, Human populations would have dwindled, while species not affected by this virus - other mammals would have thrived.

    No disrespect, but try to learn more about Darwinism before commenting on it.

    Evolution is an undeniable fact - look at the gene sequences, DNA structures that allow us to classify all creatures into family, genus and phyla.

    There are still cases of snakes born with legs, human babies born with tails, vestigial organs left in a large number of organisms, etc are all clear enough evidences.

    Do you realize that Apes have 48 (24 pairs) of chromosomes and humans of 46 (23 pairs)?

    When the human genes were examined to explain this oddity (which would surely have disproved evolution) sure enough, we found a fused pair of chromosomes at the second position.

    Evolution is not a 'coincidence'. It is a well-documented and compelling phenomenon that ignorant religious folk try hard to ignore.

  2. 3) Can human survive without oxygen? .. without food..Seven atmospheric layers.. in the Sea.. without the Sun? Photosynthesis.. etc?

    Of course not. This again is exactly what Darwin's theory suggests.

    If there weren't oxygen, and what WE call food, or if the sun were too near or too far, WE (humans) would not have survived.

    In fact, in the past, the great lizards died out because the sun was blocked out by dust - which caused green plants to die - setting off a chain reaction that again proved Darwin's theory of survival.

    Bacteria can survive without oxygen, in extremely boiling hot volcanic sulphur pools.. they would survive if the earth were closer to the sun.

    You're reiterating Darwin's theory.

    If the atmosphere were different, life would have evolved differently.

    The Earth, the plants, the oxygen levels, the distance from the sun, the rotation of the earth, climate ARE NOT made just to suit US.

    That would be a very arrogant assumption from a scientific point of view.

    WE, on the other hand, are the way we are today BECAUSE of these factors.

    The atmosphere's didn't always have free oxygen like it does today. It had hydrogen and methane at one point.

    (Read more about the Urey-Miller experiments.)

    To put it simly, about 2-3 generations ago, Maldivians weren't tall and broad shouldered.. but today, as our nutrition and lifestyles change, the new generations are growing taller and fatter.

    It is WE who change with the environment, the environment doesn't bend over for us.

    We are just a single species among millions. Plants and animals and photosynthesis have existed long before we arrived, and will continue to live long after we've died out.

    Also, you might want to read up on the recent analysis of a sample taken from the tail of a distant comet.

    In it, they found an amino acid (which forms proteins of which carbon based life forms like us are formed)

    If amino acids can form in distant corners of the universe, and finds another planet with some kind of life supporting conditions, then we can't rule out the possibility of life developing there too, can we?

  3. 4) "Study human biology, you will find endless miraculous."

    Exactly. Science doesn't deny the marvellous structure and complexity of the human (and other animal and plant) bodies.

    But there's a smooth gradient of evolution available to explain everything from the human eye to symbiotic pollination.

    What seems to be a marvel of creation is actually the result of millions of years of evolution. (A time scale that we humans can't grasp thanks to our limited thinking. We CANNOT imagine what a million years is)

    They are NOT coincidences, I repeat. Scientists will never call it a coincidence.

    When we say we have senses of 'speaking, feeling, tasting, hearing and thinking', you must realize these are neurological impulses interpreted by the brain.

    The way we 'SEE' the world is very different from the way a dog or a bee or a butterfly sees the world.

    A bee, for example, can see UV light, which we cannot. Elephants are believed to communicate through seismic waves through the ground. Bats can echo-locate using sonar like methods.

    Plants can communicate too. Humans also communicate through pheromones that we give out involuntarily.

    Coelocanths and other deep sea creatures live miles under water without light, and withstanding immense pressures.

    Religion doesn't explain the existence of these creatures and their 'greater roles' in the universe, like they do humans.

    Humans go to heaven and have 'morals' and prayers and meaning.. but what does this shapeless creature living at the bottom of the Mariana trench, miles under the ocean have to do?

    Swim in a straight line? Religion can't explain this, but Darwinism can.

    Creatures aren't 'perfect'. That's like looking at a full glass of water and saying 'that's just the PERFECT amount of water that the glass is holding' - if there were anymore, it would spill out - and if there were less, it would show' Coincidence?!

    They are only 'perfect' in a limited set of environmental conditons into which it has evolved. If you try to go live on the everest, or antartica, you'll find that perhaps you're not so 'perfect' for those environs after all.

    A coral reef won't survive in warmer (or colder) climates than where they exist. When conditions change (as they are happening now) the corals will die out, and all the species dependent on the corals will die out... and be replaced by something else.

    A Bull dog cannot give birth to its pup anymore without a caesarean. (The dogs head is too big)

    They require human intervention. Thus if we humans were to die out, then so would the bull dogs.

    These are all irrefutable examples of evolution, survival and adaptation.

  4. 5) 'The Great Darwin Theory'.. "On the paper it was written “how dare you, for no reason you have thrown me”. If I say this, you won’t believe me, why?"

    We need a little humility in dealing with these questions.

    Science doesn't have all the answers, but what little we know today is because of science. In the last 500-600 years only has modern science actually spread its wings - and we have already found vaccines, mapped the human genome, landed on the moon, communicate across continents through radio waves, etc.

    The Human mind is too limited to grasp infinity and purposelessness. We associated too unrelated things, and are prone to superstition.

    If something good happens to us while wearing a certain shirt, we call it 'lucky'.

    Before science explained thunder and lightning, early man feared them as 'God's wrath'. Before tectonic plates were detected, earthquakes were also 'God's wrath'.

    But now, despite all our advances and knowledge, there are STILL ignorant people who call them 'God's wrath'.

    Why does God's wrath visit the pacific rim countries like Japan more than other peoples who don't live on the edge of tectonic plates?

    Scientists have documented this behavior in pigeons.

    The caged pigeons are given food at random - and the pigeons associate a particular movement they made with receiving food. So they end up doing weird dances just to receive the food, thinking they are related.

    Humans can't reconcile themselves to the fact that the universe is endless, that time stretches out to all eternity, of which they exist only for a fraction of a second in comparison.

    Humans can't begin to imagine the number (trillions of) stars in the univeres.. the billions of galaxies and constellations - that continue to exist for no known purpose.

  5. 6) "If God is not created then why cannot we say the universe has no beginning? "

    Scientifically speaking, there's no real case to be made for either.

    We know the universe exists because we can see and feel it around us. Therefore scientists posit that matter and energy have always existed in one form or the other.

    There is no evidence for creation of universe - and no scientific explanation.

    Only religiously indoctrinated people can take a LACK OF EVIDENCE and turn it into 'evidence' for something else.

    That's not logical.

    If the Universe's origins cannot be explained, it does not become a case for the existence of a super-intelligent, almighty deity that controls every atom of the known universe out of pure will.

    Science sees no evidence of such a being within the known universe, and thus they find no case to explain of the 'origin' of such a being in the first place.

    The beginning of the universe, if there indeed was a 'beginning', might be improbable.

    But the origin of such a super intelligent diety is astronomically more impossible, scientifically speaking.

    The Bing Bang theory is a mathematical explanation - based on calculations that consider time and space as dimensions. More importantly, time is considered a vector (has a direction)

    The Big Bang, again, was not an explosion of the normal kind. It wasn't a super big nuclear explosion either.

    It is taken as the logical begining of time itself. So to ask 'what was there before the big bang' would throw up a logical error.

    But just because of that, when you say 'God has no beginning, nor end', the onus is on YOU to prove this statement - which, according to science, is nothing but pure conjecture.

  6. 7)"Why there is evil on the world if God exists? ... you cannot be happy if you have everything. If you have everything what you want, then there will be no willing to live. You will be bored to live."

    Exactly. I totally agree with you here.

    Happiness only means anything when there's something unpleasant to contrast it with.

    This is why I cannot understand the concept of 'heaven' where there's no evil, and all your wishes are fulfilled.

    One would get tired of life so easily in the Heaven.

    8) "God is perfect

    Almost all the believers say that we are doing this and that for God. It is common sense that a perfect God does not need anyone’s help."

    Exactly my sentiments.

    Unfortunately, not many believers would agree with you on this. I agree with this whole paragraph of yours, wholeheartedly.

    9) " No religion call for him with a bad name or worse name like “Dog” "

    Why is 'Dog' a bad name?

    Dogs are actually very pleasant, faithful and friendly creatures. Religion makes people shun this otherwise wonderful creature - no dirtier than a cat or any other animal.

  7. 10) " Not believing in God makes someone feel that there is no use of living good. Many believers live well by peace because there is God, heaven and hell etc. Atheists, so please stop changing others belief. "

    Yes, it's true. Some of us find a lot of comfort in knowing there's a God taking care of us in times of discomfort.

    That's a loving, caring God in times of need. And people find peace in that.

    However, there's also the nasty end - where otherwise ordinary people are driven to madness and violence and murder in the name of God. (Because it's apparently God's will to defeat his enemies)

    The suicide bombing jihadis, the anti-abortionist radical christians, the communal riots in serbia, the beheadings of men and women in Saudi Arabia for 'blasphemy', the rigid caste divisions and humiliations faced by the 'lower' castes in India, the mistrust between humans because of their 'belief' in a superior deity exclusive to themselves is a cause of worry.

    That's what I believe drives atheists towards abolishing religion and denouncing God and consider all men and women as equal and fellow beings.

    I personally believe the massive increase in New Atheism and people who declare themselves atheists are actually a reaction, a protest - and an expression of exasperation with organized religion.

    They are not against peaceful religious folk or a loving God. They are against religion that drives men to insanity and violence.


    In Conclusion: "Do whatever is good."


    Good can be done by all humans regardless of belief - whether christian, jew, muslim or atheist.

  8. (I apologize for all those long comments. But I couldn't possibly have made a valid argument much shorter anyway)

  9. Reply to Yaamyn,

    Peace to you,

    Thank you,

    Yes, off course, there are religions which calls for other than peace, for example, we can create a way of living and name it as a “enjoy life” and add the laws in it a way that human can enjoy without limitation. Will it be accepted by the people as a religion? No, so it does not mean that is a religion. In the article I have mentioned to those religions which call for peace only. And I did not want to judge the religions.

    Can you tell me why did not Darwin believe in God after such great discoveries? “Darwin convinced himself that species had originated by chance??????? And developed by a long course of gradual modification….”. (, (, (, and more sites which proves Darwin was not a believer of God and his evolution theory denies God. I do not think all these people are wrong in Darwin Theory and about him.

    Can’t creatures under the ocean worship? Can’t they go to the heaven? You cannot prove me wrong; either I cannot prove you wrong.

    Yes, creatures are perfect, but I did not mean they are perfect too. There it means the way they are made (processes in them—for me its perfect). As I mentioned in the article, if all are perfect, what’s the use of living? Even you have admitted it. But still we say the life is wonderful, perfect.

    I am not saying science is useless. It has made our lives more comfortable.

    I am not saying all his sayings are wrong. I admit that environmental conditions change the creatures.

    But it is true that he and his theory denied God. Here my point is, he said humans are formed by chance and so on. And this can be said as everything was formed by chance.

    I Never said ALL atheists are wrong and all changes others’ faith and it drives to suicide, killing etc.
